QUELL™ Systems Preaction and Dry Alternatives For Eliminating In-Rack Sprinklers
The QUELL™ Preaction and Dry Systems provide an alternative method of protecting high challenge storage without the need for in-rack sprinklers. The elimination of in-rack sprinklers avoids the greatest potential of inadvertent operation caused by mechanical sprinkler and piping damage during loading and unloading of racks. Due to the non-water filled piping of the QUELL™ Systems, the QUELL™ Systems are especially advantageous for refrigerated and cold storage.
One of the best alternatives for eliminating in-rack sprinklers has been the installation of an Early Suppression Fast Response (ESFR) sprinkler system; however, due to its limitation of being a wet pipe sprinkler system, the ESFR System is limited to installations at or above 40°F/4°C. Now with the QUELL™ System, SprinkFDTTMQWater Delivery Calculation Program, and QRS technology there is an alternative for protecting refrigerated and cold storage without the need for in-rack sprinklers.
Contact Jesse Bentley at Fire Control, Inc. today to discuss a QUELL™ system for your next storage project.

Cold Storage Warehouse